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3487 Reviews

Warranty Terms & Conditions

The general terms and conditions as stated on the website apply to all offers and orders. If a defective or damaged product is received, the legal warranty can be invoked. A defective product caused by a production error is covered by our warranty, we will handle this at all times and immediately offer a suitable solution. P.W. Akkerman Amsterdam has defective products repaired by the manufacturer within the warranty.


Warranty claims can only be processed if a warranty certificate or proof of payment is available.


This warranty does not include:

  • Defects and damage caused by improper use.

  • Defects and wear which are not to be expected with normal use.

  • Changes to the product such as repairs not performed by the manufacturer or designated repair services.

  • Damage due to intent, very intensive use, or negligent maintenance.



What to do in case of warranty and defects

  1. Send an email or contact us by phone.
  2. Send the product to our postal address.
  3. Your complaint will be investigated and we will solve the problem or forward it to the supplier / manufacturer.



Sending to our postal address is at the buyer's expense and any repair costs, should it fall outside the warranty.

Costs for sending to our customers are covered by us.



Reviews & Zekerheden

  • Echte ondernemers
  • Veilig online
  • Goede voorwaarden
  • Betrouwbare info